Sims | 4/1/2024
Sophomore Jackson Null is the District 22-5A Golf Champion for 2024. Over the course of two days Jackson went from the lowest of the low to the pinnacle achievement in 22-5A Golf! Jackson’s first day included a great day of golf, but was almost played for naught due to a rules infraction. At the end of the first round Jackson had taken a fantastic 75 strokes…unfortunately one of the holes was marked with an incorrect score, one over the score he had actually made. For a tense thirty minutes Jackson’s day one fate was in the balance. The initial ruling was that he would have to be disqualified for the first round of the tournament, but after consultations with the U.S.G.A. it was deemed that he would have to accept the higher score, but would not be disqualified. In a demonstration of outstanding honesty and integrity it was Jackson who called the penalty on himself. And while he was upset, he accepted full responsibility for the mistake. Jackson Null embodied the spirit of the game of golf, and the true spirit of Lake Belton High School. Jackson started the second day of the tournament determined to make up for his mistake and compete for the district championship. A single-minded, focused, and determined Jackson made a statement on the first hole by carding a birdie…three strokes better than his first day score on the same hole. He would go on to record four more birdies against no bogies or worse. At the end of the day Jackson had turned in a personal, tournament, and Bronco best score of 67 and was awarded the 2024 Tournament Champion medal.