The Lady Bronco Red and Bronco Teams participated in the Lady Bronco Classic on Thursday, October 10 at Sammons Golf Course.
Bronco Team finished in 6th place and Red Team finished in 7th place, just one stroke back.
The Red Team was led by Freshman Kaylee Carubelli who set a new personal low round by shooting a 112. In her first high school tournament two weeks ago she shot a 125 at Stonetree. All other members of the Red Team, Senior Lexie Holler, Junior Nena Tamarez, and Freshman Aurora Vance all shot 123.
The Bronco Team played in their first official 18 hole tournament on Thursday. They were lead by Sophomore Reese Sexton who shot 113, followed by Freshman Cooper Vargas-Leon with a 116. Freshmen Molly Ann Dalton and Aaliyah Johnson rounded out the scoring for the Bronco Team.
The Red Team will play again at the Par 3 Tournament hosted by Belton New Tech on Wednesday, October 30 at Stonetree.
The Bronco Team will play on Monday, October 21 at the Bronco Novice Tournament at Sammons.
Both teams are seeing vast improvements and growth!