Happy Holidays. Hope everyone had a good and relaxing break this week. This is our last month of wrestling, concluding with the district tournament on January 29th. In that time we will have 3 major Varsity tournaments and two duals.
We start back on Monday 12/30 with practice at 9 am. Practice on Monday thru Thursday, and Varsity will be at the Centex tournament on Friday and Saturday.
Please keep your weight in mind. You have been given a 2 lbs. allowance for the rest of the season, meaning if your Varsity weight class is 165, you can officially weigh in at 167. We will discuss and start declaring Varsity weight classes this week.
Please also keep in mind that we will be hosting the Jim Grimm Memorial Tournament at Lake Belton on January 17th and 18th. This will be a Varsity and JV tournament with over 20 teams from around the state. Wrestlers to help run tables and parents will be needed to help with Concession Stand and Hospitality room. More information and sign up for parents will be posted next week.
There is also open weight room at 8am Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri. this week. Come lift before practice on those days. The trainers will also be available for treatment on Monday and Tuesday from 7-9 am.
A final reminder, being a practice is a requirement to compete in this weeks Centex Tournament. This is another large tournament and an opportunity to see wrestlers from our district and Region.